A Peel Repository / Permanent Archive

saipanda saipanda@...
Sun Jul 20 09:49:27 CEST 2008

I think an element of overlapping is fine as this will give more people the chance to share 
and hopefully ensure nothing goes astray.

For example:

In the short term, uploads via Megaupload, Rapidshare, JustSentIt, etc, so people on the 
list can quickly get access to the latest things to be digitalized from our haul, without 
immediately overloading any central repository/server, in whatever form that might take. 
Maybe such "rush releases" could be in formats other than FLAC if it makes it easier/faster 
to upload/download. 

Agree everything should also be uploaded or otherwise collected in FLAC form to a central 
archive. In the longer term, people might make their own dvd copies or whatever from this 
archive, to ensure multiple full sets are maintained (to cover possible crashes or whatever). 
People might also want to sort out copy one/post one chains via post for the same reason.

Once everything has been digitized and sorted, I'm with DeeDee on the idea of releasing 
torrents, etc, to ensure wider distribution. Think his 17 DVD set epic a while back was a 
big success. Of course, individuals putting material up on websites, peer to peer, etc, 
should also be fine.

In the end of the day, once this is all rolling, Ken can approach the BBC as suggested and 
see if they want anything for their own archives.

Or something like that anyway... 

On the cash front, DeeDee, I'm glad you've managed to get it all together so quickly (sorry 
about the grief from Paypal!). Suggest any surplus might be used to cover postage from 
Rocker to folks doing copying -- if this is the best way to get tapes to people. I'm happy to 
come up with a bit more to pay such expenses.

Rocker, would it be an idea for people to get in touch with you direct to confirm their 
availability for copying and then taking it from there once the tapes are in hand? My 
apologies again for my own lack of availability on the other side of the world. 

Many thanks to everyone on all this!


Steve W

PS Good luck to Alan with digitizing the Cover Versions shows. Don't have Windows 
myself, but hopefully shouldn't prove too tricky. Can't wait to hear the results.

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