[peel] Peel plays Bosinquet

markbursa@... markbursa@...
Thu Aug 7 03:23:46 CEST 2008


>>The first is really bizzarre, however, you'll probably be aware  that our 
Reggie (or Ronnie Beaujolais as Private Eye used to call him) was  well known 
for being a piss artist, and let's face it he sounds pissed on  this track, but 
back in those good old days of 76/77, I remember walking down  the Kings Road 
one Saturday morning and coming across Reggie, walking toward  me, quite 
clearly out of his box, and this was about 9:30 in the  morning!!<<
Reginald  Bosanquet (not Bosinquet) was the inspiration for be-toupeed 
alcoholic  lothatrio newsreader Henry Davenport on UK sitcom Drop the Dead Donkey. 
Henry  was actually a toned-down version of Reggie!



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