Wild Man Fischer (more)

Tom Roche troche@...
Sun Mar 13 04:21:56 CET 2005

One day around 2000, Peel asked on air "I wonder what ever happened 
to Wild Man Fischer?"

I got on the web and started searching. I was scheduled to go to LA 
in a few months (business trip).... I got in touch with people who'd 
posted sightings of Larry... people who'd seen him still alive, 
living rough on the streets perhaps, perhaps not.

Armed with this info, I hit the streets of L.A. and eventually, to my 
surprise, found him. Later I wrote John a long letter telling what 
had transpired, all of it growing out of the day he asked that 
question on his show.

Later, I extended that letter into a piece for the same magazine for 
whom I wrote that Peel bio. I won't post it all here. But if you are 
curious - and again it's a bit of a long read - here's the whole 
weird weird story.


tom in ATL (where the police helicopters are finally at rest tonight)

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