
max_bondi maxbmaxb@...
Sun Jan 16 15:18:34 CET 2005

I think the first Peelenium was broadcast sometime in May of 1999, 
not sure of the exact date though. As regards the neat sequencing and 
MP3ing of all the years, well that is what I have done with all the 
years I've got... took quite a bit of time, but worth it. So all the 
years from 1964 to 2000 are encoded (also 1940-47), actually as .wav 
files but can be switched to mp3. They're all edited and saved as 
individual songs, so on CD they can be played easily: I now have all 
these years on 7 CDs, with roughly 5 years (20 songs) on to each, and 
the sound quality is surprisingly good. Anyone with missing years get 
in touch...

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