
Tom Roche troche@...
Sun Jan 16 05:48:49 CET 2005

At 12:32 PM +0000 1/12/05, wrote:
>Subject: Peelenium
>Just wondering here if anyone has copies of the Peelenium that were
>recorded at the time??? I taped all years 1940-2000, and sadly a
>couple of the tapes have deteriorated and are no longer listenable.
>However, all surviving tapes I have transferred on to computer and
>CD, and so have a collection that encompasses 1940-1947 and 1964-2000
>inclusive (minus 1965 & 1985). If anyone here has the years 1900-1939
>and/or any of the other years i am missing (1948-1963) I would be
>very interested in hearing from you, or indeed if anyone is
>interested in the years i do have then get in contact.

A hope of mine would be that somehow, someday, all 100 four-song Peelenium segments could be sequenced together by someone and ripped to an MP3 or two (someone with a lot of time of their hands it must be said.)

I have a few from various years, disorganized, Let me investigate to see if I can contribute.

What would be the date in 1999 that the 1900 set was played?


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