[peel] Re: Peel The Reel

RobF robfleay@...
Thu Apr 5 15:51:52 CEST 2018

3) The Russian band Zvuki Mu?

On 5 April 2018 at 14:12, johnpeel3904@yahoo.co.uk [peel] <
peel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> I'm impressed memberd2, that's a good educated guess. Welcome and well
> done Rocker, it is indeed Sierra Leone, coming from "Serra Leoa"
> (Portuguese for Lioness Mountains). Only leaves 4 questions left
> 1) A friend of Peel, who both have their names in a 19th century song (3,
> 6)
> 3) A session artist that Peel played, when translated to English sounds
> like the server that we upload his shows to listen too (5, 2)
> 4) Peel's wife had those on her body, one in the back and the other in the
> front. He played a band in the 90's that had those names (4, 4)
> 6) A band, which Peel played whose previous name is now considered racist
> objects (9, 10, 7)

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