Festive 50 1977 top 14

billfromnorthwales@... billfromnorthwales@...
Fri Sep 8 23:52:27 CEST 2017

I still have the raw rips of the Stranglers section (from my cassettes) so I am still hoping that if I have the beginning of this show, and David has the end of the show - then someone,somewhere may have the middle for a full lossless version of the show

Unlikely - but worth waiting for.

That reminds me - I still have the raw rips from the 1978 Festive Fifty, as they were my tapes (loads of them as I used whatever empty space on whatever cassette I had - I was not able to afford many at that time)

So I don't think I will get a better rip (those cheapo cassettes have only got worse in the last 8 or 9 years since I ripped them)

But I may master them better.

And that further reminds me - We have some excellent quality recordings, of excellent collections ripped by people with excellent equipment: Do you think we will ever go lossless here? 

Then the BBC may even request copies from us

I guess it will not happen until we are on some superhighway broadband which seems a little way off and show sizes up to a 1GB size still take some time, and hard drive space wiould still be an issue, no may how many tens of TB of storage we have

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