[peel] Two questions

m.Luetchford M.Luetchford@...
Tue Dec 6 21:05:25 CET 2016

Didn't someone on here write a book on the 50....

Sent from my Samsung device

-------- Original message --------
From: "'Stuart Brooks' stuartb@brooks22.plus.com [peel]" <peel@yahoogroups.com> 
Date: 06/12/2016  4:19 pm  (GMT+00:00) 
To: peel@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [peel] Two questions 




Hi Stuart
I know that at least some of the shows are still available from the links 
given on the date pages on the wiki http://peel.wikia.com/wiki/1982_Festive_Fifty#The_Festive_Fifty_Of_1982 
eg the Mediafire links work on the 15th. Once you’ve worked your way through 
these then any still missing can be requested here to re-up to the Mooo
Another Stuart


From: Stuart 
Maclean sdmaclean@comcast.net [peel] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 4:52 AM
To: peel 
Subject: [peel] Two questions

Ages ago I must have stumbled on MP3's of the complete 1982 dual festive 
fifties, complete with all Peel commentary.  I can't recall where these 
were from, but anyway I burned them to CDs.  Those CDs are now scratched up 
and skipping and I would like to re-discover the original files.  Can 
anyone tell me if these are available?  I can't locate them on the 

Completely unrelated but a question I have been meaning to ask 
forever.  How many votes would 'win' a typical festive 50, if there was 
such a thing as a typical year?  As far as I can recall, Peel never 
mentioned any totals.  Closest I remember was in 1990 he mentioned that 
Bill Is Dead beat Soon by a single first place vote (or perhaps even a 
second-place vote??).  I followed the F50 religiously from 1984 until 2002, 
at which point Saloon won out of nowhere and I convinced myself  the whole 
thing was now rigged by Internet votes sent by botnets manipulated by the 
drummer ;) 

Oh, and while I am here, how about starting a thread on 'songs that were 
criminally missing from the F50'?  How on earth could Red Sleeping Beauty 
by McCarthy not feature in 1986!

Stuart, Seattle.

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