Hullo All - Could i ask for a show (re)upload please

Dominic Brenchley dominic.brenchley@...
Tue Feb 24 10:28:45 CET 2015

Firstly would like to say I am Big fan of all that the wiki and the yroup

I am a long in the tooth fan of the John Peel Radio Show and long term fan of his open your ears policy to music.

I admit I am joining cause I am after one or two (or more) specific recordings - but I do have some tapes and a USB tape deck - so maybe I can provide something in the future :)

I have tried and failed on some dead links
I was wondering if anyone has the files stored somewhere
I am after a
John Peel - 2000-03-08 (FM) (DK recorded).mp3
And also
John Peel - 2000-03-02 (FM) (DK recorded).mp3
If it is available
thankyou please


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