A specific question for a specific person about a specific song by Ivor Cutler

so_it_goes_2512@... so_it_goes_2512@...
Thu Feb 6 21:32:30 CET 2014

From the blog Alternatives To Valium http://alternativestovalium.blogspot.co.uk/2006/01/ivor-cutler-absurdist-poet-teacher.html: 

 His first 28 years were spent in Scotland. “Everyone in Scotland thought I was daft. My parents and my family and my colleagues. Everyone. I mind when I wrote my first song on the piano, and I said, ‘Mammy, come and listen to this song’. I sang the song through to her, and I could see her face drooping a bit. She said: ‘It’s very good.’ Then she said, ‘Ivor, couldn’t you write about something nice?’ It was a song about: ‘I’ve a hole in my head, dentist/Please fill it up with teeth/Put one set on the top, dentist/And another set underneath.’” 


 Steve (TK)

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