Hey babe, hey Jud, hey $0ldat [md5]

drugogoputiyanevedal zomgqashiyo@...
Sat May 25 11:40:30 CEST 2013

Note that you need to measure and to check md5 for your files regularly
(read all about it. About what md5 is. Read about it somewhere, I don't want to explain it here.)
especially when copying files from one HDD to another, or else.
(and particularly when your Drive is set to 3Gb/s and uses GPT. You better believe me, it's a serious problem.)

For me it's like a passport for the file. I tell you why it is important.
Look to [2003-10-02 John Peel BBC Radio 1.mp3] mooo/BillfromNorthWales.
Go and measure its md5
. .. ...
and then compare to the original value for that file (see below in quotes)
20031002-2300.mp3 "e090f3c1a071bddba669e4d447b6aa73"
It's better to write md5 for files everywhere so everyone could verify. Keep it steady.

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