[peel] Did JP ever play 'Party Weekend' by Joe King Carrasco?

Alan Ford ford.alan@...
Mon May 20 20:06:06 CEST 2013

Using my new-found Wiki search skills, I have found 5 matches for "Joe
King", but none including 'Party Weekend' / 'Houston El Mover'. Most of the
matches seem to be for a song called "Jalapeno con Big Red".


On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Jackie Wilson <jwilsonsaid@...>wrote:

> **
> Obscure I know, but I was lived in Dallas 79-82 and Joe was the standout
> local act at a club called DJ's on Greenville Avenue.   Tex-Mex come to
> life.  I worked for a while in a local record chain called Sound Warehouse
> so was 'really into the music scene'.  Lots more from the second wave
> passed thru - The Police, Pretenders, Squeeze, OMD and were playing in
> small clubs although big in the UK.  Good fun.
> Claim to fame: met the Fall [Marc Riley version] in another smaller record
> shop called vvv records, so have signed Slags, Slates EP and Grotesque LP
> which are treasured possessions.  They were playing the Hot Klub one night
> along with Romeo Void.  I had a tape of the gig but think I chucked it cos
> my US girlfriend spoke at the end and didn't want the wife finding
> subliminal messages from the past ...
> Anyway I was so impressed with Joe King's then new 45 'Party Weekend' /
> 'Houston El Mover' that I bought a second copy and sent it to Peel.
> And always wondered if he played it!??
> Anyone?  well I like to think he did.

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