lollygagger lollygagger@...
Mon Jun 4 16:56:24 CEST 2012

Hi All

I don't pipe up much...having been seemingly spoilt with Radio 1's FM quality for Peel's shows then found I had to search out radio shows for tracks that Peel would have likely played i.e. Giles Peterson then Hew Stephens (more white boys with guitars) and Rob Da Banks low key left of centre of music...and some internet listening from dadelionradio

When Giles left Radio 1 to DAB Radio 6 128kbs...what a come down in sound quality where have the dynamics gone! On the plus side I have discovered that Tom Ravenscroft does appear to have weekly slot on Radio 6...yeh I am a bit slow to pick up on these things.

What a shame though Radio 1 gets FM to play mainly regurgitated X factor music. Music lovers with a variety of tastes, who do notice the difference, get low fi 128kbs...grrrr.... just my gripe.


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