Peelenium frenzy!

so_it_goes_2512 so_it_goes_2512@...
Fri Jan 27 18:22:28 CET 2012

Fellow Peelites
1) The other side of the 500 Box tape shared earlier in the week (CB100)
contained this:
Session Mixtape Mar-Sept 1988
Uniquely for Colin's collection, this is rather in the style of Mike's
celebrated Best Of Peel series, and contains sessions with links from
Cud, Eton Crop, Pixies and Butthole Surfers. Thanks buddy! (One of the
tracks escapes me, if anybody can help to name it...)
2) 02 December 1999 <>  
(Session: Calexico. Peelenium 1980)3) 09 December 1999
<>   (No session, Billy Bragg
live at the QEH. Peelenium: 1983)
I believe this is the end of this taper's Peelenium show collection, and
many thanks are due for all the files (although Isector seems to have
another in the pipeline....I'll keep you all posted).
4) Finally, just for your amusement, I have spent the last three months
compiling (with help from the supreme talents of Steve W) a complete (as
far as possible) Video Gallery of the Peelenium songs, and it can be
accessed from the main page on the Wiki
<>  . Just the thing for those snowy
afternoons I understand are coming your way....
Best wishesSteve (TK)

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