The Disappearing Folder

bbrbr57 jpdl@...
Sun Mar 27 08:26:18 CEST 2011

Hi Steve,

> The 'video' folder has suddenly vanished from the Mooo Server, only a few days after I categorised its contents on the Wiki. I hope the two events are not related: or maybe it has simply been moved. Can somebody advise, please?

Oops sorry, I was making some room for new uploads, and the videos weren't downloaded very often.

I've put the folder back, but space is limited, and it's a bit difficult to add more storage at the moment.

I'll try to find a solution for this, but in the mean time, anyone who is interested in the 'video' and 'shows' folder, feel free to download as much as you like.

All of the stuff in the 'shows' folder has been shared via torrents before, so if you already downloaded the 17 DVD collection and my torrents, you should already have a copy of this stuff.


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