I Hear These Sounds In My Head....

ken ken_garner@...
Mon Mar 21 10:48:39 CET 2011

Am I going mad, or can anyone else hear, about 15 seconds in to the playing of the old "Pickin The Blues" Peel sig by Grinderswitch in full, in the John Cav tapes of shows of 19/12/75 and 28/12/76, the utterly unmistakeable sound in the left channel of a seventies trim-phone ringing, twice? It's under the start and end of the first slide guitar phrase.

I only noticed listening loud on headphones during ripping monitoring, and at first and second times tore them off believing a phone had rung somewhere in the house!

If anyone agrees this extraneous sound is there, (a) is it what I think it is?, and (b) how did it get there?

Is it on the original single or LP master?

Or did it creep in when Peel or Walters were maybe making a full reel copy for repeated sig purposes?

Or am I just going mad?


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