[peel] Reel to reel tapes

John Bravin john.bravin@...
Wed Jun 22 21:21:03 CEST 2011

Now this is a bit nostalgic, but at the end of each tape there is that 
unique reel-reel 'abrupt ending of the recordings' as the tape runs out 
and the last bit goes past the heads   I can almost see the reel 
spinning uncontrollably as the loose end beats itself to death until you 
wake up and switch it off.


On 22/06/2011 16:36, bty997881 wrote:
> Currently uploading the first few of these, having now finished my 
> latest batch of L's. They're in www.peel.mooo.com/roger/R2R
> Apart from the one I mentioned before, where he's talking to Ian 
> Hunter(?), there's not a lot of our John on them - a very quick hand 
> on the pause button, but then I would have done exactly the same back 
> then; tape wasn't cheap and none of us had jobs!
> So a bit of a challenge for the Wiki team. Lots of good 
> rock/prog/folk/funk in there though - Man, Wishbone Ash, Groundhogs... 
> as Fluff would say, 'alright?!'
> Sound quality is highly variable - the levels fluctuate quite a bit 
> (I've adjusted the worst of it) and there's a good AM whistle in 
> places, but still well worth a listen,
> Cheers
> Roger

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