[peel] Re: AK on JP etc

Michael Capewell mickcapewell@...
Thu Jul 7 15:49:48 CEST 2011

Did anyone else see AK's appearance on Lorraine Kelly's show this morning? Probably not the kind of show that interests anyone here, and I certainly wouldn't have watched it if I hadn't caught a trailer for it trumpeting AK's presense.
Thankfully he was on first and, although he was only on for 3 or 4 minutes, he left quite an impression, albeit a confused one. I'm no psycho-analyst or anything like that, but to me he seemed a bit hyper and aggressive. I don't know if he was putting on an exaggerated act but I was half expecting him to jump onto the sofa, Tom Cruise stylee, and shout "LOOK, I'M BLOODY WELL FINE NOW!" or something similar.
Right from the off, when he warned Ms Kelly that he was fed up talking about his past problems (which is rather strange, seeing as he was plugging his autobiog) he hardly let her get a word in. He waved his book around while shouting "Plug yer book Andy!", presumably in ironic fashion. He yelled theatrical greetings to his children, after saying that he hadn't seen his daughter in seven months, and in reply to a question about his time in Rwanda in '94, he kind of waffled an answer that was half humble and half self aggrandizement (accusing other reporters of being 'scared').
I dunno...he may well be feeling OK, but it all seemed a bit wild-eyed, nostrils flared, motor mouthed and desperate to me.
Lorraine, naturally, cooed and coddled him like he was her long lost son (although in the course of the interview they discovered that he's a few weeks older than her).
I ain't trying to put him down or anything. Just passing on my thoughts of this one, admittedly early in the morning, appearance.
Oh, and JP wasn't mentioned :-)
Mick C

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