Peel on "Sounds of the 20th Century"

billfromnorthwales billfromnorthwales@...
Sat Aug 20 00:09:13 CEST 2011

Despite Jeremy Vine, (and he is really annoying) the "Sounds of the 20th
Century" series continues on its journey, and I think Peel has made an
appearance in the last 3 or 4 shows

(Introducing Top Gear and Ray Stevens in 1967 [who picked that?] getting
DJ of the year at the Melody Maker awards in 1968 was it?, then getting
refused entrance to a restaurant because his hair was too long, then
introducing Canned Heat and Pink Floyd in 1970)

I wonder if he'll keep popping up or won't we see him again until 1976?

Although 95% the same,  after about 1964 "Sounds of the 20th Century"
became different than the original "25 Years of Rock" by adding quite a
few Radio and TV excerpts - Hence Peel's appearances.

SOTTC is also less elegant in its links I think, and I don't think they
did Kennedy and the Moon landings as good, but maybe that's because the
despicable Vine spoils the plot at the start every week.

Anyway, for me and for Steve, and 6 other people the "25 Years of Rock" 
folder is updated, and also includes 1971 before SOTTC's 1971, just in
case they mess up the classic Faces link.  Woohoo!

Where are they??????


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