[peel] Re: Analysis of John Peel 'mentions'

John Bravin john.bravin@...
Mon Sep 6 18:23:05 CEST 2010

  Actually the analysis is under "Explore this coverage".  The theory is 
- if you have a product or a service that would appeal to Internet users 
that are interested in John Peel AND Jennifer Lopez or John Peel AND 
Jessica Ennis you can see the frequency and sites that link the two 
celebrities (click on the People Mentioned bar charts).  Hence the link 
to Ads by Google.  Don't base your new business on this though, as a 
casual investigation will show that the links are non-existent, the 
pairs are just mentioned in the same newspaper or magazine column, but 
not in a linked context.

On 06/09/2010 17:39, ken wrote:
> thanks, John, blimey, I have only just got my old head round facebook 
> and here is something new again. From what I can see it is not so much 
> an analysis, so much as a tracking of the number and kinds of mentions 
> and searches made for "john Peel", searchable by US, Uk, etc. Or maybe 
> there is an analytical piece somewhere there on what it all means 
> which I cannot seem to see!
> ken

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