Hello (.. and can someone summarise the status of the FF archive)

Father Christmas so_it_goes_2512@...
Sun Nov 8 02:25:11 CET 2009

Hi Alan

Welcome to the group! As it happens, we have a Wiki dedicated to referencing not just the FF but everything Peel-related (administrators: Steve W in Japan and myself in Korea). If you go to http://peel.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page, there is a sidebar where the charts are all listed. Currently, I am working to complete the entire tracklistings and availability of recordings: at the moment, 1976-1998 and 2002-2004 are done (some in a slightly skeletal format, but that will also change).
Yes, the 1978 and 1980 charts are available. 1978 is available in its entirety, but 1980 is restricted to the rundowns alone. If you would consider uploading your version, I can give you any assistance required. Duplicating recordings is not a problem, as it is also possible to make composite versions if necessary.
Can I also take this opportunity to thank Steve for the recent Top Gears, neither of which I had, Ken for his 1979 tapes, and once again B for giving us a complete run of shows from the last three years of Peel's career!

Bst wishes
Steve [TK]

--- In peel@yahoogroups.com, "brockleyal" <brockleyal@...> wrote:
> Hello everyone. I'm pleased to have discovered this group and am very interested in what's going on here.
> I have to admit I've always been quite possessive with my own John Peel archive. I think this comes down to seeing so many toe-rags selling them on at silly prices. I'd rather not pass anything on that's just going to end up in Camden market.
> Anyway, I've just dipped into the recent thread about the 1979 FF. I do have my own recording of the top 10 which is better quality than the one just made available for download, for example.
> Can someone summarise for me what archives are missing in this combined effort. I can't remember myself whether only the 1979 top ten was broadcast for example. It's all I have. I know at the time I (stupidly !) recorded over things where I didn't like the tracks or had them elsewhere. Luckily I have 1-10 intact. Is there a 50-11 to look for ?
> Have 1978 and 1980 been made available ?
> Regards to all,
> Alan ..

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