Shunya-vaad (Voidism-satire)

Richard Shaw Brown rsbj66@...
Thu Jan 8 23:03:56 CET 2009

			  The void poses for a snap shot
“VOID? The only void I know is A-VOID Jack Bauer”

~ Superman on Void

“It's worthless!”

~ Alan Greenspan on Void

“If you count to infinity then you'll know how big it is!”

~ Carl Sagan on Void


~ Winston Churchill on Void

“What Anti-Christ? We're afraid of the Anti-Void!”

~ Buddhist on Void

“It's, like, a total rip off!”

~ Madonna on Void

“It can play 18 holes and shoot a perfect 0!”

~ Tiger Woods on Void

Voidism (Sanskrit: Shunya-vaad). Denotes no-thing. Zilch. Nada. 

What follows is a concise explanation of Voidism in layman terms
(see photograph of actual void). This following article is also written
in Voidic, which is the official language used in the Void. If
the purport of this page appears VOID to you then maybe you're catching
on. In which case you are ready to face the 3rd Okage and help rescue
Sasuke from the anti-void.

  A graphic example of the dreaded Anti-Void
1 Origin of the Void2 Void in Numerology3 Trivia4 Also See5 External Links
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Origin of the Void
When the "BIG BANG" took place there was also the anti-big bang
which produced an area called the Void. The Void is free of birth -
disease - old age & death. A desire or attempt to enter the Void is
called "Voidism", Voideristic, Voiderism. Followers are called

Void in Numerology
*Void + 0 x 108 - 100% = Void

When you look into the Void, the Void looks back at you. Oooooh spooky.
The Anti-void sold it's soul to the devil.
Black Holes are afraid to get sucked into the Void.
VOID means "word" in New York.
In the beginning was the VOID, and the void was spoken by Rudy Giuliani.
You can't blame the Void for anything.
The Void is more innocent than Linda Lovelace.
The Void is not productive.
The Void doesn't give-a-shit!
The Void is not a dog-faced lair.
The Void is non-toxic.
If you say that ONLY the anti-void is guilty you'll be right.
The Void never killed anybody. Doesn't even carry a gun.
Bruce Lee, Jet Li and Tony Jaa BELIEVE in the void.
The Void CAN "kick ass!"
The Void can beat the Army draft.
The Void never curses.
The Void has no overhead.
The Void is 100% terrorist free zone.
The Void doesn't believe in YOU either!
The Void doesn't care if Kobe passes or not.
The Void has never heard of "religion".
The Void is entirely weapons-free.
The Void doesn't vote.
The Void doesn't need ANY power nor water supply.
The Void needs NO drugs.
The Void can never be held liable.
The Void won't even listen to the Godfather's offer.
The Void doesn't have to file any tax return.
The Void doesn't need welfare.
When asked for comment on the OJ aquittal the Void had "no comment".
The Void doesn't care if you're gay or T-girl.
The Void is Hip.
Late Pope John Paul said the "Void was atheism!"
Personally, the Void couldn't care less.

Also See









 External Links
 Buddhism at the BBC

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