Peel's second trip to Russia?

ken garner ken_garner@...
Tue Aug 11 01:10:03 CEST 2009

Just spotted tonight, that someone - perhaps one of us here assembled - has added the following comment to the wiki entry for the 1988 Peel in Russia documentary page: "FOR A FACT, IN THE SUMMER OF NINETEEN NINETY TWO, ON HIS SECOND TRIP TO RUSSIA HE DID VISIT MOSCOW, ST. PETERSBURGH, TALLIN, AND DID MADE A DOCUMENTARY."

Does this ring a bell with anyone? I recall he did go to Estonia once, but it's funny I have forgotten this if indeed it was 92, because I was working at Radio 1 at the time. I do not recall a second documentary on russia, from that year, but maybe it was on the World service or another station, whatever, and I missed it.

Perhaps there are mentions of his then recent russian/baltic travels, companions, the purpose, etc in his links in summer shows that are now available from 92? Or maybe it was 91?



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