FF00 flacs

bty997881 roger.carruthers@...
Thu Oct 16 15:34:54 CEST 2008

Just going through my DAT tapes before I finally send my much loved machine off to a very 
happy eBayer (got to pay for that new MacBook somehow...). There's a couple of 'recent' FF 
shows in there, though sadly no complete FF's, and as the recording quality is about as good 
as you'll get, I've decided to share them as flacs .
 I think I probably posted them as mp3's already via the FurtiveFifty, but I can upload them 
again if anyone wants.
 Anyway, here's the first tape, the 2000 FF, nos. 20-1, complete show. My apologies for the 
seemingly arbitrary segmenting, I was trying to cut it into < 200 MB chunks to get round 
Rapidshare's limit (I have a Rapidshare account), but as you can see, I got my calculations 
wrong for pt 3, so had to upload it toMegaupload.



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