[peel] Re: Somebody is SELLING the Peel shows online

Martin Wheatley martinw@...
Thu Nov 20 10:29:25 CET 2008

The point we have to remember is that none of us have
any right to this material

At the moment the relevant copyright owners are ignoring
what is happening

That's the way we need it to stay in order to continue
what is happening here

If complains are made to any of the authorities it
won't just stop at this guy - people on this list are likely
to be caught in the fallout

The E-bay problem is a long running one.  As people will
know I have responded many times to requests for
individual sessions here.   I never put up too many at a time
because I'm suspicious of people who ask for 'every session by...'
I just know it will turn up on E-bay if I do (not necessarily
by the people asking in case you fall into this category!)

All we can do is grit our teeth and make it as inconvenient
as we can.
No one has sympathy for a pirate who is pirated and this is a
public group.   Complain to anyone and they are likely to
turn on you - we are breaking the rules too


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