Two snippets for download

John Bravin john.bravin@...
Thu Aug 28 20:05:24 CEST 2008

Those of you with a slow speed connection or strict bandwidth limits, 
may feel they are missing out on the 400 tapes feeding frenzy. For you 
here are two mini John Peel snippets that you can download without worry.

The first is Peel introducing and playing 11 tracks in a file of size 
1MB. Before the "compression is sonic murder" police get me, I hasten to 
add that this is a wonderful example of thrash by a band from East 
Croydon, Australia.and is such a small file as all 11 tracks last only 7 


The second is a great example of Peel's dry humour.  Sorry Angela of 
Northumberland if you are reading this....



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