"Coming up, the midnight news summary..."

ken garner ken_garner@...
Fri Aug 22 03:57:52 CEST 2008

Well I've finally completed my first rip of my (modest) collection of my own originated 
complete (or nearly complete) Peel shows, so here it is, a timely surprise for this weekend. 
I won't say any more about what this show was / represented / contains, or why I chose to 
do this one first for right now, but it will become obvious, especially if you listen from the 
start of the sports news. Loaded into itunes the 3 parts will flow together pretty well, but 
after first listening all the way through once (I really think you might like the completeness 
of the experience, given the context), you can always detach / discard the first part and 
just archive parts b and c. I was taping back then using one of those mains plug timers 
with the pins for 15 min periods, so I must have known I'd be out at the start, and the 
tape kicked in 5 minutes early. If I get a chance I'll do a full tracklisting for the wiki site 
over the weekend, but for now, just enjoy it. There will be about half a dozen more like 
this between now and end October, I hope. Below is a summary of the route technically. I 
had to switch the dolby B back on (I suspect like many, until I got a top flight tape deck in 
1990 or so I tended to tape with dolby on and playback with dolby off, in the car / 
walkman etc) because the first go was very hissy. This is my third attempt using different 
settings etc, and the one that came out sounding closest to the tape, so there. I just look 
away from the screen and wing the EQ right up and right down, then back up slowly till it 
sounds right. Shocking, isn't it? Let me know how it sounds. I monitored using various 
closed / open / in-ear headphones and playout systems, but am assuming most people, 
like me, will probably listen on an ipod/mp3 player, or a desktop computer linked to a 
reasonable stereo, but probably not a real audiophile setup. The feature I really like in the 
software I got is the graphic, neat little kicking analog VU meters: now that, I can 

TDK D120 recorded on Aiwa deck model forgotten / playback on TEAC W6000R with 
Dolby B & pitch control at +5% / Apple Mac Book / Audio Hijack Pro v2.8.3 / 320 kbps 
stereo mp3 CBR / EQ settings: 2 khz +4%, 4 khz + 5%, 8 khz +5%, 16 khz +3%

Peel 1988-09-28a, R2 Sports Desk & R1 10pm news bulletin, 7' 34", 17.3MB

Peel 1988-09-28b, 56' 15", 128.7MB

Peel 1988-09-28c, incl. start of midnight news, 1hr 03' 53", 146.2MB

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