John Peel Torrent Compilation 11 of 17 now seeding! Plus! Cheap Viagra

deedeeramain deedeeramain@...
Wed Nov 21 17:46:33 CET 2007

Hello Chaps!

Sorry I took so long to seed the 10 of 17 file. My ancient laptop 
melted on me down in London while uploading 10 of 17 and trying to 
download all those 'YouSendIt' files that Kevin's been fielding in 
the 'Peel' Yahoo group!

I was in a hotel with a pretty good broadband connection considering 
I was fire-walled. I was uploading at +/- 150 kbs! Not bad 4 free!

So; I'm back home now. The ancient laptop is definitely Kaput and my 
ancient desktop won't run a torrent client! I'm now using a borrowed 
laptop and guess I've got to bite the bullet and buy a new laptop in 
the meantime. At least I can still get hold of the XP OS so there 
should be a service pack out to correct all the bugs in Vista when I 
get around to upgrading to Microsofts latest lame OS!

The latest torrent can be found at both 'Mininova' and 'The Pirate 
Bay' - a bunch of shows from 2001 & 2002.

I think I managed to liberate 12 seeds of Torrent 10 of 17 (sounds 
like 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'!) so...... You know the drill! 
Share share share!

Keep on keeping on!

Riving Ton

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