[peel] File naming convention?

Phil Edwards festive50@...
Wed Nov 7 21:59:58 CET 2007

> Cough, did I notice you mention ftp server there at all? (",)

Oops, I let that slip didn't I. OK, it's a fair cop. I may as well come
Periodically, in the past, I have advertised in this group and asked people
to e-mail me for login details.
Whereupon I ask users to send me their I.P. address (purely to see whose
logged in)
However, with pressure of work, I haven't the time for all that faffing
about. So, here are the login details I usually send out.

Here's the link to the server.

All I ask is:-

Don't be too greedy.

I know It's tempting. Jan Bear from Bearsuit on accessing the server for the
1st time, said she "felt like an elephant in a bun shop".

Sever currently stands a 63 Gb (nearly 3000 files) of Peel and Marcelle
related stuff.

Also, there's loads more stuff I've had to take off for the time being
(about 50 Gb - 7000 files) , as I'm also heavily involved with Dandelion
Radio ( www.dandelionradio.com ) and I also use the server for distributing
the shows to our DJs and the demos sent in by bands and record labels.

A final note, although we all have nostalgic feelings for John Peel and his
shows, we should also be looking forward, which is what we at Dandelion
Radio are doing.

So give us a listen.




I would be grateful if you would send me your I.P. address. Nothing
sinister, I just use it to check whose logged on.

I'll just see how this goes. If it starts causing problems with our
Dandelion use, then I may have to have a rethink.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: peel@yahoogroups.com [mailto:peel@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of
Domestic Empire
  Sent: 07 November 2007 20:08
  To: peel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [peel] File naming convention?

  Yes Phil I entirely agree and for all the reasons you state above plus
  yyymmdd is, I believe, the internationally recognised date format.
  Should such a thing concern one.

  Cough, did I notice you mention ftp server there at all? (",)

  Gary Walsh
  John Peel Torrents: http://johnpeelpages.blogspot.com/
  John Peel Blog: http://johnpeeleveryday.blogspot.com/

  On 07/11/2007, Phil Edwards <festive50@...> wrote:
  > I prefer the format John Peel yyyymmdd - featured session - bitrate.wma
  > eg. John Peel 20010829 - Lift to Experience Live at Maida Vale -
  > The advantage being when sorted alphabetically, it will also be sorted
  > chronologically.
  > These are how I store all of my Peel and Marcelle shows on my FTP
  > Phil
  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: peel@yahoogroups.com [mailto:peel@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of
  > Sent: 07 November 2007 09:58
  > To: peel@yahoogroups.com
  > Subject: [peel] File naming convention?
  > We seem to be on quite a run of sharing atm, so I'd
  > just like to drop something into the mix that's been
  > on my mind for a while;
  > Taking a random selection of Peel related files on my
  > hard drive, I have things with names like:
  > 1979-12-12a.mp3
  > BBC Radio 1 - John Peel Party 40 October 1979 - 03 -
  > Cassette Two Side A.mp3
  > JP 11 July 1990 1A.mp3
  > 02.08.13 - john peel.mp3
  > etc. etc.
  > In order to know what I actually have and don't have,
  > I've started renaming them all in the following
  > format:
  > Peel 01-02-03 (session act). mp3
  > or for Festive Fifty's:
  > FF03(5-32).mp3
  > Perhaps we could agree to adopting some such
  > convention for files we share ? The format I'm using
  > is simply one that sorts well on a Mac, but I'm open
  > to suggestions if anyone has any better ideas...
  > Thanks again to all those involved. When I get a
  > minute I'll be adding to the pot,
  > cheers
  > Roger

  Gary Walsh


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