Hello and a request

containsmildperil containsmildperil@...
Fri Nov 16 19:46:39 CET 2007

I've just joined this group and wanted to say how great it is to find 
so many like-minded Peelie fans. I'm looking forward to grabbing (and 
seeding) some of the torrents, and maybe one day soon I'll get around 
to converting some of my many tapes of Peel programmes (several boxes 
full, mainly from 1993-1997) to mp3.

Just an on-the-off-chance request in case anyone has got around to 
organising their collection of shows and actually writing on the tapes 
what they are - for a long time I've been after a copy of the show from 
15 October 2003. It was the eve of my 30th birthday and my other half 
secretly emailed in asking if Peelie would play a record for me; I know 
he was never that keen on doing requests but he played a Fall record 
for me and it made my night. I copied the programme onto mp3 
using 'listen again', but we had some computer trouble and the file was 
lost. If anyone has this programme I'd be forever grateful!

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