[peel] sunday 2nd post

Riving Ton deedeeramain@...
Mon Nov 12 02:03:12 CET 2007

John - you make a good case for MegaUpload - Are you a stockholder?!   ;-)
17 DVDs, 150 files! What a drag man! I import the DVD on my crappy old laptop (USB 1 - have to use a pcmcia card, create a Torrent file (20 mins) and then upload on to Mininova. Then I have to alert Yahoo Peel Group, Last Fm Peel group and a bunch of hotmail addresses to the fact a new torrent is uploading. If we share share share then everyone gets a copy. No problem!
I bought the disks. I got the shit already! I'm just trying to help some people out. If you're getting something for free then you got to go with the flow.
The problem with ISPs is bullshit! Those guys need to start providing what we pay them for and you need to complain to them. How we gonna start video podcasting if they don't provide the bandwidth we pay for? How many industries do you know can turn around and say that 'yes, you pay for X amount but if you use / take X amount then we're going to tax you?
The 'Peel' stuff is questionable because it contains copyrighted material but file sharing isn't illegal. What if I wanted to share my GPS data for a bunch of walks on Madeira or my collected recipes Mediterranean stylee? That's not illegal.
Sorry that the files aren't in the format that you prefer but beggars can't be choosers!
To buy the files, you can contact 'goonerproductions.co.uk' - £40 for 17 DVDs!
Dee Dee

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