Ken Garner

Tom Roche troche@...
Sat Feb 17 22:33:30 CET 2007

Wasn't Garner himself on this list for a brief time awhile ago? If 
he's smart he should start his next book's marketing campaign here, 

The book publishing work is changing. As the steep costs of book 
self-publishing have dwindled, a lot of authors just go out on their 
own, even after a legit publisher takes a pass on an idea claiming 
there will be no money in it. I wonder if that is Garner's position, 
or if he has a traditional publisher lined up.

There was an interesting piece in the NY Times last year about some 
self-publishing successes on specialized music reference books about 
The Beatles. Some authors were told that the world had enough books 
on the Beatles (I would have concurred.) They put out the books 
themselves and it's been quite lucrative.

The whole Times story is behind their pay wall or else I'd just 
include a link... so...

I'll post it in a 2nd message -- recognizing fully this is not a 
Beatles list. And I'll even volunteer that is just barmy to pay good 
money to find out what George Harrison had for breakfast on 3/19/68. 
Still, it is an interesting back story...I'll put OT in the subject 
if you want to blow by it.

tom r

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