Cheers Ken & AS I ROVED OUT etc

ken garner ken_garner@...
Fri Dec 14 16:32:51 CET 2007

Many thanks, Andrew (and Gary) glad you (both) like it: these days, 
all I can see are the glitches! but seriously, I think it's ok, 
nothing really absolutely catastrophically wrong (apart from one 
picture caption) - yet. Sales rose to a peak of 600 in the week up to 
8/12, so hopefully it'll do as well this past week and next week too!

About AS I ROVED OUT, I meant to say, I have been sent pdfs which are 
clearly created from scans of faxed-in running orders to the BBC from 
the production company. I think the easiest thing to do would be for 
me sometime to simply type out the track details, because there are 
not that many per show, then post that as a single word file up here 
under files.


--- In, "andthezmore" <andthezmore@...> wrote:
> I'd like to say a thankyou too. I was supposed to be getting this 
> for Christmas, but my Wife wanted me to take it as company on a 
> (and sad) train journey at the weekend. Couldn't put it down. I 
> most of it over 8 hours travel and finished it off in the evening. 
> Really really loved everything about it. Can't recommend it enough, 
> if you are reading this message and don't have it yet then get a 
> move on. I went through 'The Shows' section and managed to 
> accurately date a lot of personal events from my teenage years 
> onwards. Lots of little things e.g. the pics of cassettes and their 
> boxes throughout the book are a really clever and vivid touch. Hope 
> this one doesn't go out of print and gets the recognition it 
> deserves.
> Thanks a lot Ken, well done.
> Andrew

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