[peel] Weddoes

rockerq@... rockerq@...
Sun Dec 2 03:26:43 CET 2007

> <<Rocker, does your presence at the gig mean you're a local boy, or were
> you there in a professional capacity? I'll look forward to hearing your
> recordings on your show anyway,
> Cheers
> Roger>>
Am Bristol based - but the original George Best tour never came to Bristol 
(partly cos I'd already put them on 3 times since Feb 2006 at the Tropic Club in 
Bristol) - So I've travelled to see them on this tour at Nottingham; 
Birmingham; Portsmouth and Cardiff (Cardiff being the most local).

First half of the Birmingham gig is now streaming at least once a day for the 
rest of December in my show at www.dandelionradio.com - to be joined 
incidentally by the 2007 Festive 50 show from Dec 25th including a short Ident from 
David Gedge - second half of the gig will be in my January show - schedule 
details on the website.




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