Peel Autobiography now has a title

Tom Roche troche@...
Thu May 19 04:58:53 CEST 2005

This from a piece from BBC news last month about quickie biographies 
about Pope John Paul



In the US Doubleday has already scheduled a biography of John Paul's 
successor, the former cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, for May, along with 
a collection of the new Pope's writings.

But it can be a gamble.

When broadcaster John Peel died suddenly in October 2004, the quick 
appearance of two unofficial biographies provoked protest.

His brother labelled the release of two books within six weeks of his 
death, in time for Christmas shopping, "unseemly ambulance chasing".

"The unauthorised biography is always a strange animal, whether the 
person is alive or dead," says Larry Finlay, managing director of 
Transworld, which is due to publish the official version of John 
Peel's biography, Jesus Wasn't Made Of Fish, in October.

"The John Peel one felt a bit tacky because everyone knew his 
autobiography was coming but sadly he was unable to finish it.

"The family was upset - they felt 'thanks, but no thanks, this isn't 
what John would have wanted'."


A websearch of this title shows an ISBN number from a Canadian website

The book will be credited to John Peel and Sheila Ravenscroft.

Here is a website directing you to info on availability in USA, UK, 
Canada, Germany, and France

Here is the Amazon USA and UK Pre-release pages

Here is an image of the cover

Will they carry it in Christian bookstores?


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