The Unofficial National Peel Archive

Stuart McHugh stuart@...
Fri Mar 25 16:21:27 CET 2005

>Sitting here on a sunny Good Friday starting to rip my collection of
>tapes from various Peel shows, intending to add them to the growing
>unofficial Peel archive.  Current one is from 1977 as part of the Peel
>shows where all the music was chosen by listeners (with often their own
>notes read out by Peel).

I don't recall that, but it sounds very much like a festive special. 
Given that the 1977 F50 was chosen by Peel himself, and no record 
beyond 13* can be recalled by anyone, it seems, perhaps John will 
uncover the elusive tape on his archiving travels?
* I'm not sure.. and seems to have gone!

>>Stupid Babies (Babysitters - anyone remember  that),<<

>The future Adamski, no less.

I believe moves are afoot to get this re-released! (though it's not 
progressing all that fast...)

is this music? po box 13516 linlithgow eh49 6wb

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