Peel archive collection up to 40Gb!

marine_b0y2000 charlatansriddle@...
Tue Mar 1 10:03:48 CET 2005

Wow! that guy has 40Gb of Peel archives he's offering to burn to 9 DVD
sets. The Forum thread it's on is now locked, but I'm keeping a close
eye on it. If anyone on this forum gets hold of a set - count me in on
the copying for distribution to other members.


--- In, simon smith <moomin@c...> wrote:
> If you go here (Chris Morris 
> site), register, find the 'Stereo Excursions' forum, and find the
> 'John Peel collection up for grabs' you will find something of interest 
> - a huge collection of Peel stuff being offered for free to any takers. 
> I don't have the facility to copy DVDs, but maybe one or two people
> this list could take the person up on his offer, then spread the wealth?
> Is this feasible? If anyone is interested, perhaps they could say - I 
> wouldn't want the poor bloke flooded.
> -- 
> simon smith

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