Morrissey last night

Martin Wheatley martinw@...
Thu May 20 16:54:02 CEST 2004

 >Prooving all those years hiding in LA haven't dampened his skill for being
 >an bloody awkward drama queen, Morrissey had pulled out of a live session on
 >Radio 1's John Peel show because he found out he would have to perform in
 >front of 12 competition winners. Admitting he wasn't listening when his
 >record label explained the competition component to his Radio 1 session,
 >Morrissey axed the gig as soon as he realised, recording a private session
 >for Zane Lowe's show instead. The twelve competition winners will be given
 >an alternative prize and reminded Johnny Marr was the real talent in the

Which explains some of Peel's between clenched teeth comments
in recent days

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