Keep It Peel - A Review.

cynicaldj cynicaldj@...
Fri Dec 17 04:47:26 CET 2004

Well, without a doubt, I can only honestly say that Radio 1's 9 hour
Tribute to John was the finest piece of singular Music broadcasting I
think I've ever heard.

And it was *lovely* to hear Sheila dedicate a record to John as well.

The documentary was very moving, especially to hear what turned out
to be John's last words spoken on Radio 1 before his holiday to Peru,
when handing over to Anne Nightingale - who is now ironically Radio
1's longest-serving D.J. Even more ironic was the last track to be
played: The Clute - "Time For Change".

Excellent Music throughout the night until the D.J.'s took over at
2300 hours, then it was just great, mad, Music. Even at 0300 hours
(Annie Nighingale extended the marathon by Keeping It Peel on her
Programme too), it didn't really stop as "One Click" took over, which
is really off the wall stuff in itself.

My only hope is that this becomes a yearly event, and that Radio 1
don't now try to switch the idea of the Peel Programme into Daytime
Pap Radio.

May even change the name of the proposed Internet Radio Station
to "K.I.P." Keep It Peel.

What do you all reckon?

It's now 0340 hours G.M.T.


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