[peel] Festive 50 - Immortal Lee County Killers

diane farley dianef84@...
Sat Nov 15 23:47:53 CET 2003

I don't think people understood what I was asking.
I thought that the Immortal Lee County Killers live at Maida Vale was one of 
the highlights of the year and rather than everybody voting for different 
tracks it would be good if we were all in sync about what one track to vote 
for from THAT SESSION ... I can't even remember what date it was on ... 
which would be helpful.. I wasn't trying to encourage general vote rigging 
or ask for peoples any other choices than what ILCK tracks..


>From: Leo Gilbert <sete.colinas@...>
>Reply-To: peel@yahoogroups.com
>To: peel@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [peel] Festive 50 - Immortal Lee County Killers
>Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 14:02:38 +0000
>Hear, hear
>Leo Gilbert
>PS I'm voting for ... (only joking)
>On Saturday, November 15, 2003, at 01:57  pm, Martin Wheatley wrote:
>>I realise this is hopelessly naive and impractical but how about we just
>>for once
>>have an HONEST Festive 50 with everyone voting for the tracks that they
>>like best
>>instead attempting to assemble squads of people to vote for the same 
>>If the vote is split between different tracks by the same artist then that
>>proves no
>>one track is popular enough and they don't deserve to win.� That's the way 
>>should be.
>>One more rigged vote and there won't be another Festive 50 - I am sure of 

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