
Stuart McHugh stuart@...
Tue Feb 25 12:14:19 CET 2003

>Just to regain a little focus to this Peel newsgroup, I'm surprised
>that the emails haven't been flying about Crimea, who seem to be a
>great band. Peel clearly loves them, and I think he might be correct:
>they really do have something special. I'm going to see them this
>Friday, so I'll post a quick review.

I kind of imagined that the single might be a one-off - given it's 
'novelty' title - so I was pleased to hear Peel play another track 
from them which was pretty darn good too.
And that's my take on it.
Speaking of Focus - anyone see them on the Old Grey Whistle Test re-runs?
Anyone else heard Atomic Soul Experiences' electro remix of Hocus Pocus?


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