Arse! Feck! etc

Stuart McHugh stuart@...
Fri Dec 28 15:19:36 CET 2001

>or some reason, (my guess is neighbours' ridiculous amount of flashing
>fairy lights), my R1 FM reception has gone belly up (on,off,on,off), and
>attempts to reposition my aerial in the loft have made no difference, hence
>my annual recording of the F50 has failed :-(
>So, if anybody has recorded these shows to MP3 could they copy some for me?
>Will send SAE and blank CDs - whole shows preferable as there are usually
>some extra goodies in there.

Count me in on any taping goings-on since I managed to hear precisely 
3 tracks (19-21) over the 3 days for a variety of complex and stoopid 
What  really need to know is - did he actually *play* 'Vatican Broadside'?


PS the 50 along with clips from the tracks is at

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