another nail in the coffin

patrick@... patrick@...
Sun May 28 23:46:57 CEST 2000

For what it's worth I e-mailed Andy Parfitt and said pretty much what 
the rest of you have said: however, not knowing anything about the 
running or financing of individual programmes, I suggested that he 
could have financed a better deal for AK by firing (oops sorry, 
downsizing) two or three people out of the "posses". In no particular 
order, Comatose Dave off the truly shocking Moyles show, anybody who 
had a hand in the ZB show (they all got money for old rope for the 
duration of that fiasco) and any two out of the three dudes in The 
Dream Team. No offence, they're probably all nice enough folk if you 
met them in the street, but if any of these people were "disappeared" 
I hardly think there would be the fuss there is just now.
Anyway, I've been on for too long, and probably upset somebody, so 
I'll shut up. Thanks for reading.

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