ker punk

Mozy mozy@...
Thu Feb 10 00:52:29 CET 2000

Stuart McHugh wrote:

> >Anyhow, speaking of the Sex Pistols, we can debate punk bands at
> >length after next Saturday's Channel 4 Top Ten Punk Bands. Not to
> >be missed
> Go on, you start... I could rant on as usual about the non-appearance of
> the Adverts, and the Irish record showing up again, but I was more
> intrigued by the data-gathering techniques of Channel 4. After all, how
> many punk points does it take to get in the top 10? And surely with all
> those safety pins about, it should if anything be the groups that amass the
> least point that get in the chart - "and now, at number ! with NO punk rock
> points - it's... The Cortinas!!!"
> That's the way I remember 1977 anyway...
Me too. It turned out horribly predictable. Where were Slaughter and the
Dogs?! Or Crass? Or Eater? And did the Pistols really outsell the Clash
or was it all just rigged as a sop to McLaren's ego? 


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