
Stuart McHugh smchugh@...
Fri Feb 26 15:11:07 CET 1999

>He seems to be doing that a lot these days. Should we be
>worried? When he did the Black Star Liner session recently
>instead of playing the final session track he played the
>previous one again, and a while later he announced a P.J.
>Harvey track and played the same Black Star Liner session
>track AGAIN. He never did play the final session track,
>which I thought was rather odd!
I think he did at least notice, I suspect he had run out of time,though if
he had droppped a record somewhere it might have been better. Speaking as
someone who dj's in an amateur capacity occasionally, it's not as easy as
it looks. I can remember forgetting which session track I played once, so I
just went for it and hoped for the best. My audience was proably single
figures anyway, not so simple for national dj's though (it's enough to make
you feel sympathy for Chris Moyles... well, maybe not).

>Maybe in addition to having William monitor the faxes he
>should have another member of the family actually listening
>to the programme so they can let him know what's happening.
I think that's the producer's job, though I'm not sure if she monitors
things at Peel Acres. Maybe he should get her to do all the cueing-up, Zoe
Ball style, leaving Peelie to regale us with his tales of country life?


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