Rob robfleay@...
Wed Dec 29 11:17:02 CET 1999

> Well, tonight's the top 17 or so, anyone else getting a bit disappointed
> with the lack of life in the lower reaches? 

I missed the first bit so I can't comment - last night's 
selection was pretty dull. Couldn't figure out how anyone 
could vote for the techno track as it sounded like a million 
others that he plays every week. Maybe lots of people 
voted for "Unspecified White Label played at the wrong 
speed" and he just picked one off the pile at random?
Having said that I See A Darkness is my favourite Bonnie 
Prince Billy song....so that was good and also FAB

1991 peelenium tonight is also grate - makes me think 
maybe music generally has gone a bit wank recently??


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