I'd certainly be interested.
My DB had similar fields.
-----Original Message-----
From: peel@yahoogroups.com [mailto:peel@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of colin bray
Sent: 08 May 2009 00:07
To: peel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [peel] Re: any interest in an early nineties cassette collection?

Blimey, Phil, I thought I had a large track database! Why wouldn't this database be of interest to the group? Isn't it a goldmine?
During the 90s I put together a database of about 7,000-8,000 tracks and that took forever...mind you I was adding things such as the source of each track and country of origin if Peel gave those details on air. Plus a rather eccentric categorisation by genre.
I'm moving house soon and am hoping to find the database disc somewhere...it was previously mislaid during the last house move.
If I find it I'll make it available if it's useful to somebody.

To: peel@yahoogroups.com
From: festive50@blueyonder.co.uk
Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 21:01:38 +0100
Subject: RE: [peel] Re: any interest in an early nineties cassette collection?

Just catching up after a while out of the loop.
Buggered P.C. and in process of doing a temporary fix, I accidentally formatted my 1Tb external drive.
I've now recovered most of the data and I'm now building a brand new P.C., I will then be in a position to recommence digitising my tape collection (c 500).
As a start I've just finished cataloguing the part of my collection which came from my nephew Matt. (see p. 136 of Ken's Book).
Below is a list of these tapes. I have hand written track listings for all 219 of these tapes. (any volunteers for typing them up?).
They are from 01/05/1990 - 06/06/1992. They're all stereo and 99% are TDK SA 90
I hope this proves of more interest than my Peel database of 32,000+ tracks.
Date       No of  Day
01/05/1990 1 Tuesday
13/08/1990 1 Monday
20/08/1990 1 Monday
21/08/1990 1 Tuesday
23/08/1990 1 Thursday
28/08/1990 1 Tuesday
30/08/1990 1 Thursday
05/09/1990 1 Wednesday
06/09/1990 2 Thursday
17/09/1990 1 Monday
25/09/1990 1 Tuesday
29/12/1990 1 Saturday
05/01/1991 1 Saturday
06/01/1991 1 Sunday
12/01/1991 2 Saturday
13/01/1991 2 Sunday
20/01/1991 2 Sunday
26/01/1991 2 Saturday
27/01/1991 2 Sunday
02/02/1991 1 Saturday
03/02/1991 1 Sunday
09/02/1991 1 Saturday
10/02/1991 2 Sunday
16/02/1991 1 Saturday
17/02/1991 2 Sunday
23/02/1991 2 Saturday
24/02/1991 1 Sunday
02/03/1991 1 Saturday
03/03/1991 1 Sunday
09/03/1991 1 Saturday
10/03/1991 2 Sunday
16/03/1991 2 Saturday
23/03/1991 2 Saturday
31/03/1991 2 Sunday
06/04/1991 1 Saturday
13/04/1991 2 Saturday
14/04/1991 2 Sunday
20/04/1991 1 Saturday
21/04/1991 2 Sunday
27/04/1991 2 Saturday
28/04/1991 1 Sunday
04/05/1991 1 Saturday
05/05/1991 1 Sunday
11/05/1991 2 Saturday
18/05/1991 2 Saturday
19/05/1991 1 Sunday
25/05/1991 2 Saturday
26/05/1991 2 Sunday
01/06/1991 2 Saturday
02/06/1991 1 Sunday
08/06/1991 2 Saturday
09/06/1991 2 Sunday
15/06/1991 2 Saturday
16/06/1991 2 Sunday
22/06/1991 2 Saturday
23/06/1991 2 Sunday
29/06/1991 1 Saturday
27/07/1991 2 Saturday
28/07/1991 2 Sunday
03/08/1991 2 Saturday
04/08/1991 2 Sunday
10/08/1991 2 Saturday
11/08/1991 2 Sunday
17/08/1991 1 Saturday
18/08/1991 2 Sunday
24/08/1991 2 Saturday
31/08/1991 2 Saturday
01/09/1991 2 Sunday
07/09/1991 1 Saturday
08/09/1991 2 Sunday
15/09/1991 1 Sunday
22/09/1991 1 Sunday
28/09/1991 2 Saturday
29/09/1991 1 Sunday
05/10/1991 2 Saturday
06/10/1991 2 Sunday
12/10/1991 2 Saturday
13/10/1991 1 Sunday
19/10/1991 2 Saturday
20/10/1991 1 Sunday
26/10/1991 2 Saturday
27/10/1991 1 Sunday
02/11/1991 2 Saturday
03/11/1991 1 Sunday
09/11/1991 1 Saturday
10/11/1991 2 Sunday
16/11/1991 2 Saturday
17/11/1991 1 Sunday
08/12/1991 1 Sunday
14/12/1991 2 Saturday
15/12/1991 1 Sunday
21/12/1991 1 Saturday
22/12/1991 2 Sunday
28/12/1991 2 Saturday
29/12/1991 2 Sunday
04/01/1992 2 Saturday
05/01/1992 2 Sunday
11/01/1992 2 Saturday
12/01/1992 2 Sunday
18/01/1992 2 Saturday
19/01/1992 2 Sunday
25/01/1992 2 Saturday
01/02/1992 2 Saturday
02/02/1992 2 Sunday
08/02/1992 2 Saturday
09/02/1992 2 Sunday
15/02/1992 2 Saturday
16/02/1992 2 Sunday
22/02/1992 2 Saturday
23/02/1992 1 Sunday
29/02/1992 1 Saturday
01/03/1992 2 Sunday
07/03/1992 1 Saturday
08/03/1992 1 Sunday
13/03/1992 2 Friday
14/03/1992 1 Saturday
20/03/1992 2 Friday
21/03/1992 2 Saturday
28/03/1992 2 Saturday
03/04/1992 2 Friday
04/04/1992 2 Saturday
11/04/1992 2 Saturday
17/04/1992 2 Friday
18/04/1992 2 Saturday
24/04/1992 1 Friday
25/04/1992 1 Saturday
01/05/1992 2 Friday
02/05/1992 1 Saturday
08/05/1992 2 Friday
09/05/1992 2 Saturday
15/05/1992 2 Friday
16/05/1992 1 Saturday
22/05/1992 1 Friday
29/05/1992 1 Friday
30/05/1992 2 Saturday
05/06/1992 2 Friday
06/06/1992 1 Saturday
-----Original Message-----
From: peel@yahoogroups.com [mailto:peel@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of ken garner
Sent: 24 April 2009 22:49
To: peel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [peel] Re: any interest in an early nineties cassette collection?

Seeing as you want to keep the original tapes, which we can all understand, it's clear you're not after the money. If you want help with the ripping I would recommend taking up rocker or others from the west country's offer(s) - loan them for ripping, then you get them back, seems a good plan to me. In dating your tapes, you will have to listen to up to 15-18 minutes of each side - in the 3 hour shows of that year, that amount of time should normally include at least one session track, and then using my book's index you should be able to connect the sections together (if recent discoveries in my own collection are any model, I am imagining you have perhaps 2 x a C90 or 4 x 45 minute sides per show). It will be a long job, though, with that many. Let the team help!


--- In peel@yahoogroups.com, "thinkingthinkingthinking" ..> wrote:
> It looks like there are somewhere about 270 cassettes (mostly Phillips), possibly more. They seem to start somewhere around May 1992 and go possibly to October 1993. I definitely had a project to record a complete year, and I remember that I did succeed in that, so I hope they are all there. I'll try to sort them out a bit more and get more detail. I hope I may still find a few more good ones.
> S
> --- In peel@yahoogroups.com, "Steve" 2512@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Steve (from another Steve)
> >
> > I read your message with great interest, and I would like to comment on several points you make.
> > Firstly, your collection sounds extremely exciting. I am currently in the middle of a similar project in conjunction with the most excellent Colin called the 500 Box (because there are around 500 tapes in it-no prizes for my original name). Like you, he recorded many of the shows in mono due to reception difficulties (I assume), but nobody seems to have a problem with that (well, no-one's complained yet). These shows are not otherwise available, and as one person commented, it's better to have good mono than poor stereo.
> > Secondly, I share your point about poverty, since I was made redundant this year in a foreign country (Korea) due to a big-headed 'employer' with no business sense (but let's not go there). On the other hand, the 400 Box was advertised as a non-profit enterprise: the money made from the tapes was donated to charity. If profit is your motive on this (and I don't think anybody can blame you for that), I'm sure there are others on this mailing list far more well-qualified than me to point you in the right direction.
> > Thirdly, the searchable index you envisage is in fact already under way: if you go to the main page of the Peel Wiki (http://peel.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page), you'll see something along the lines of what you mean. Another Steve (from Japan!) and I are the admin team for this, and we'll be more than happy to deal with any enquiries you have about it, and delighted to receive any contributions you wish to make (everybody is welcome).
> > Finally, I'm sure we are all eager to help with your project, and the issue with the tape sides and identifying programmes is not problematic. After ripping, any anomalies can be sorted out during track listing. I sincerely hope that this can be pursued, and look forward to hearing from you again!
> >
> > All the best
> > Steve [TK]
> >
> > --- In peel@yahoogroups.com, "thinkingthinkingthinking" wrote:
> > >
> > > Progress report:
> > >
> > > I listened to bits of a few of the tapes, and I am amazed and I have to admit a bit tearful and excited to find them in pretty much perfect condition. They are recorded in mono. Without extremely strong reception, the sound on FM in stereo was always marred by a pronounced "stereo hiss", so I avoided this by making almost all my recordings in mono. Each cassette has a complete track list, plus month and year. Dance tracks are marked with a little cross, and very fast dance tracks have two little crosses; I was into making dance compilations for parties! And I made a compilation of the very fastest dance tracks from the whole of 1992, or was it 1993? I think I've lost that compilation, sadly. Some cassettes have both Peel and Kershaw shows; cassettes are identified as in "JP Sept 92" OR "JP AK Aug Sept 92". Despite these helpful identifying notes, it is quite difficult to work out the sequence of sides. I used to record a side, and then put in another cassette. This avoided the problem of having to rewind to the beginning of the second side of a cassette. It means the shows are all almost complete, but creates something of a task to work out the sequence of sides. I hope it is mostly clear in the recordings when a show begins and ends, but I need to check this out more.
> > >
> > > I note that you guys paid some bloke several hundred pounds for a collection of cassettes a while ago. Well, I'm not greedy but I am very poor! I am impressed that some of you are prepared to put so much time and effort into digitising the shows. Does it mean you are as crazy as I was when I made all those recordings? ;)
> > >
> > > I hope that one day it will be possible to create a searchable index of all the shows, so that listeners can listen to shows from a particular date, find particular sessions or tracks, and even perhaps find quotes from Peel talking about particular subjects, etc. All this would obviously take a lot of work and expertise, and of course the main priority is to get the source material down in a durable, high-quality format before it turns into goo or dust.
> > >
> > > Being occupied with poverty, career planning, education, etc., I may not have a lot of time to give on this project right now, but if it could involve the possibility to learn or help develop databases, etc. then I may be interested to help and perhaps also do some of the donkey work.
> > >
> > > I guess I should say that I probably want to retain ownership of my cassettes (unless you want to make me an offer I can't refuse!), but I'm very happy to let one or two of you guys have them for the purposes of digitising, etc., and if you can store them in better conditions than me, then I'd be grateful for you to keep them until I get rich enough to afford a big house with a nice archive room! Or maybe they should go to a museum or other archive if they are worth keeping good.
> > >
> > > I still haven't assessed the exact range of dates of my tapes. I'll do that very soon and let you know exactly what is there.
> > >
> > > All the best
> > >
> > > Steve
> > >
> > > --- In peel@yahoogroups.com, rockerq@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > <> > > > > of late 70s / early 80s which we clubbed together & bought on Myspace>>
> > > > >
> > > > Of course I meant eBay!
> > > >
> > > > Cheers!
> > > >
> > > > Rocker
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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