michael stoecker wrote:
Does anyone know if Radio 1 has intentionally stopped maintaining their
Peelie page? Every time I've been there in the last month (quite a few), it
has disintegrated more and more. Now the only way to successfully navigate
it is to choose a text only based website. But half the pages get 404's etc.

I use the website all the time to look up Sessions data and the more recent
playlists. It would be a crime for that info to fall into the internet void.

Anyone know anything bout it?

Michael Stoecker

I don't think the Peel Session part of it has ever been maintained.
It was a job they decided to do for whatever reasons but once it
was set up it was considered to be completed and the person who
did it moved onto something else
It's history to them now and as we know Radio 1 trusts in NEW music!
