Final Request?

simond.phillips simond.phillips@...
Wed Nov 20 11:18:56 CET 2019

I'm a member of another Yahoo Group that's been transferred to and seems to be functioning well. I asked the moderator what he'd done and this is his reply........ 

 It was all fairly straightforward but you would have to get a move on if you want to shift things along, as you've only got a week before the transfer cut-off point is instigated.

Firstly though, you have to be a Moderator of the group you want to transfer. You then to open a group at Easily done - go here:
Select the membership you want - I started it with Basic and then upgraded (when I was first interested it was only $110 to upgrade from Basic to Premium, but they suddenly increased the price without warning).

You'll need to have a Premium account if you want to transfer files/members, though you can downgrade to basic once the transfer has happened.

The cost was $220.00 - which as you know I quickly recovered by crowd-funding within the group.

Once you've got your Premium account you'll get instructions, but basically you have to invite your new Group to be a moderator of the old Yahoo one by sending an invite to Once the transfer has happened (in our case about four or five days for both) you can remove the new member ( from the Yahoo group's membership list.

More info is available here:

I chose not to transfer the membership on several grounds. The first was privacy - not everyone would necessarily like it if they were made members of a new group they'd perhaps never heard of. The second was that there were just a few people that I didn't really want in the new group - why introduce bits of grit to a smooth-running machine.

So, as moderator of the Yahoo Group, I was able to download a copy of the membership list, edit it out a few 'undesirables' and then email people with my own personalised invite or, use the Invite members facility with the new group.

I hope that's all clear - it was a lot easier than it sounds!

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