[peel] Re: Peel's Picks: Love & Hate

m.luetchford M.Luetchford@...
Wed Jan 16 22:16:26 CET 2019

thanks Tim. and for me it is really gratifying that the people who started this endeavour and those who have shared their love for the music John played and the way he played it have helped you discover so much and  even more fantastic that you are now also doing so much to preserve his legacy! 
The ever thankful Mark

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-------- Original message --------
From: "Tim Giebel-Inanloo timgiebel@hotmail.co.uk [peel]" <peel@yahoogroups.com> 
Date: 15/01/2019  21:23  (GMT+00:00) 
To: peel@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [peel] Re: Peel's Picks: Love & Hate 




I was born in 95, so unfortunately didn’t listen to John Peel while I was growing up, I discovered his shows later, through my interest in cassettes and reel to reel etc, and my interest in transferring them to the wiki.  However I had already
 listened to quite a variety of music while growing up.

Of course I love listening to John’s delivery, and how much of a real personality he has.

Regarding the music, I initially couldn’t get The Fall, but with repeated listening, I have grown to like some of it a lot. I enjoy shows from all decades, but my favourite period is probably from the late seventies to late 80s. I particularly enjoy The early
 punk, all the reggae, things such as the Cocteau twins, Xmal Deutschland, Siouxsie and the banshees, the Smiths, The Primitives, initially I wasn’t sure about the African tracks, but again have grown to really enjoy these. I still haven’t really managed to
 enjoy The grind core stuff, Bolt thrower, extreme noise terror etc. Having said that, in the context of the program, I do kind of enjoy the tracks in a way, but wouldn’t buy the LP, put it that way.

By the way, I recently got hold of a job lot of reel to reel tapes of Peel shows from mainly early 80s I think, maybe some late 70s to. So these will be up soon.

I have also made contact with somebody else who says he has some cassettes  of shows from the late seventies/early 80s, but haven’t heard back from him in a while.     

On 15 Jan 2019, at 20:54, Stuart Brooks 
stuartb@brooks22.plus.com [peel] <peel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


Looking back now the late 70s and early 80s do seem predictable but at the time as a teenager I found it exciting and dangerous! And listening to the reel to reel project rips that have so far been ripped, I can get myself to enjoy that old bluesy rock stuff
 by imagining myself as my geography teacher listening on an old radiogram late at night.

With my accelerated journey through the late 80s to late 90s ripping the Lee Tapes, I can see why he played most of the stuff that he did. But you almost have to become several personalities to like it all.

A long standing blind spot for me has been Capt Beefheart but I am getting there, give it another 20 years and I will be a fan!

On 15 January 2019 19:28:20 GMT+00:00, "johnpeel3904@yahoo.co.uk [peel]" <peel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


I liked Peel shows where he mixed indie, folk, world music, hip hop, electronic, etc all in one show. He started doing that in the early 80's, somewhere from the start of 1983 onwards. I wasn't a fan of his shows during the late 70's and early 80's, where
 it was just only punk and reggae. I thought that was very limiting & boring, even though I like those types of music. I wasn't keen on much of his early 70's stuff, with the prog rock stuff but I did like occasionally his Night Ride shows, which had a mixture
 of different music from the late 60's. I think in my opinion his best shows were from the mid 80's until early 90's. 



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